The Community Resource for Innovation in Polymer Technology (CRIPT) provides a platform for people working in polymer science and engineering to capture and share data. CRIPT is led by a team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) along with collaborators in Academia, Industry, and Government, with support from the NSF.

Mission and Vision
Mission. Enable and empower researchers to capture and share polymer knowledge.
Vision. Our vision is establish a digital ecosystem of openly available polymer data and supporting tools, so that polymer scientists and engineers everywhere can leverage high-quality information and streamlined data workflows in the pursuit of constant innovation.
Benefits of CRIPT

Structure your Data
Our platform provides a variety of Data Management Features

CRIPT Editor
Our user-friendly interface, provides the community a real-time data graph feature, which is dynamically generated as users input their data and keep them informed with up-to-date visualizations.

CRIPT Featured Datasets
Utilize our user-friendly Featured page, an interactive interface used to search, sort, view and download the data. This specialized tool allows researchers to find and aggregate customized data subsets for their personal research tasks.

CRIPT provides a seamless integration through our Python SDK.
The CRIPT Python SDK allows programmatic access to the CRIPT platform. It can help automate uploading your data to CRIPT, and aims to allow for manipulation of your CRIPT data through the python language. This is a perfect tool for users who have python experience and have large amount of data to upload to CRIPT.
Join CRIPT now!
Click below to start the process

Bradley Olsen
Principal Investigator

Ardiana Osmani
Project Manager

Fatjon Ismailaj
Software Engineer

Dylan Walsh

Ludwig Schneider
University of Chicago

Jiale Shi

Nathan Rebello

Weizhong Zou

Klavs Jensen

Juan De Pablo
University of Chicago

Debra Audus

Kaoru Aou
CRIPT Partners

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